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About Me

Curious, clever, intuitive, treehugger - who cares about the world we live in!

Well that is a much shortened version of me.

About my Eco side

Throughout my years, I've always held close to my heart that the earth should be cared for with kindness and gentleness. As I grow older it's become so ingrained that every decision that I make is always based on the environmental impact that it has. I'm absolutely amazed that people throw away useful items just because they are done with them, or that people continue to use dangerous chemicals to clean their homes. Okay - that is only a few parts of my soapbox, but I will continue to get on my soapbox if there is a chance of someone listening to me. We have to stop wasting and start caring about the earth, or our future generations will have no earth to care for.

I'm also a wife and a mom.  This is the most wonderful journey of them all!


  1. Karen, love the blog!
    It's fascinating reading what you have been experiencing in this journey. The link that let's you hear what someone with a CI hears like is especially cool. Thanks for sharing ;)
    -Meg (your hairstylist)


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Have a fabulous day.